We have high expectations for all!
Talented and Gifted
All students have unique talents and abilities. TAG programming makes certain that students consistently access learning opportunities that are challenging, systematic, and continuous based upon their learning profiles, readiness, and interests. Ongoing evaluation and assessment enable programming for the appropriate next level of challenge. Each MMSD school has TAG resource support for ongoing consultation which includes professional development to implement differentiated practices and to facilitate Individualized Student Educational Plans.
English as a Second Language
Shorewood Hills Elementary School has a large number of students who are learning English. Their programs vary according to their linguistic and academic abilities. Instruction can occur within the general education classroom with ESL and bilingual support. This type of service delivery is offered to students so that they can access grade level content, skills, vocabulary, and academic language. Newcomer services are designed for students who are new to the United States and are at beginning levels of English proficiency. Newcomer services give students English skills necessary to function in a new school, community, and country. Children participate in newcomer classes for a limited time and eventually move to different types of programming support. Students' progress is monitored by ESL staff for at least two years after students are fully integrated into regular classroom environments.
Special Education
Some students with unique learning challenges reach their full potential by being provided specialized programming. Our staff provides an array of services and supports to supplement or replace general education assessment, curriculum, and instruction. Continuous student improvement depends upon collaborative efforts and the commitment of staff, parents, and community members.