Parking is a challenge at Shorewood. Please consider walking.
Limited parking is available on Columbia Road and by the Heiden Haus.
Handicap parking is available in the front turnaround on Shorewood Boulevard and by the 2nd and 3rd grade playground near the soccer field (north entrance).
Please do not park in the staff parking lot or in undesignated areas. You will likely receive a ticket.
Drop Off and Pick Up
Drop off and pick up your students at one of the turnarounds or on Shorewood Boulevard. If you are dropping off on Shorewood Boulevard, please help your child cross the road.
The K/1 turnaround (off of Columbia Road) and the front turnaround (off of Shorewood Boulevard) is for drop off and pick up only . The driver must remain in the vehicle. All grade levels may use either turnaround. Please do not park or back up on the turnarounds as it creates unsafe situations for children.
The Village does not allow drop offs on the school-side of the road. You may receive a ticket.
Part of Amherst Road is closed off for sledding in the winter. Drop off and pick up is not allowed on Amherst during the winter months. You may receive a ticket. Please respect that this area is reserved for teacher and resident parking when the road is closed.
Drivers are responsible for driving cautiously . Please do not speed or drive recklessly .
Please be courteous of our neighbors and do not block driveways or mailboxes.
Give yourself ample time for drop off and pick up. Children and adults in our community are precious!