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Madison Metropolitan School District

Schedule an Appointment for the Feb. 8 MMSD Vaccine Clinic

Schedule an Appointment for the Feb. 8 MMSD Vaccine Clinic

MMSD is collaborating with SSM Health, Public Health Madison Dane County, GHC-SCW and UW Health to host a vaccine clinic on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025 at the Holtzman Learning Center, 333 Holtzman Road.

Any students age 5+ who meets the following criteria may attend:

  • Uninsured
  • Are under 19 and are Alaskan Native or American Indian
  • Has BadgerCare (any carrier)
  • Insured by Dean, GHC-SCW, or Quartz

The following vaccines required by the WI Student Immunization Law will be available:

  • DTaP
  • Polio
  • MMR
  • Varicella
  • Hepatitis B
  • Tdap: Now a 7th grade requirement

In addition, Covid, Influenza, Hepatitis A, and HPV vaccines will be available and are highly recommended, but not a requirement by the WI Student Immunization Law. 

There is no out-of-pocket expense to MMSD clinic participants; however, if you have insurance, please bring your insurance card with you to the clinic.

What to Bring to the Vaccine Clinic

  • Your child’s immunization record. To access this and review your child’s immunization record and vaccine needs: 
  • Completed Consent and Screening Forms. Hard copies will also be available at the clinics
  • Insurance card (if applicable, please see above,  no out-of-pocket expense to MMSD clinic participants)

Schedule an Appointment

Additional Clinic Info